Basic Setup Help

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Settings For Outback AXS
Settings For Conext ComBox With XW or SW
Settings For Second & Third Classic

Settings For First Classic

  Note: Add classic 2,3,4 checkboxes have been moved to the bottom of the Settings Page.

Step One

  1. Click on  Menu
  2. Select Basic Settings
  3. Enter:  Ip or url for Classic And  Port of Classic,
    It is Best to use Ip addresses If possible.
  4. Click Test Classic (x) Tcp / Ip The Program will Look for a classic at the Address and Port. (If you skip this step ASX Will not be Available)
    If a Classic Answers,  the 4 Device  Box's below the test button will be filled in.

    If NO Classic is found There maybe A long delay,

    If The Classic is not found.
    • You will also see a error at the bottom of settings window, with some explanation.
    • At this point you will need to Check, network Settings or Make sure no other program is Connected to the Classic, check firewall, etc. .

If The Classic Is Detected continue to Step Two

Step Two

  1. "Name" will be filled in with name that is programmed in Classic after pressing Test Classic (x) Tcp / Ip, This Can be changed if you wish this only effects the name displayed on the main page. It dose not change the Classics's  Name.
  2. "Time-out" normally Is ok at 10 sec. If you have a slow connection and get connection errors it may need to be lengthened .
  3. "Write PW" = Password for writing  values To the Classic it is used in the "Advanced Settings" and " Device Control" Sections of the program.   Enter the Serial Number of Classic without leading zero's. This may be left blank if you do not plan on changing any settings on the Classic.
  4. "Check Boxes" Select the check boxes of the items you wish to be Displayed on the Main Window.
    • Do NOT Check "Add Outback AXS" Or "Add  Second Classic" at this  Time.
    • "Show_Total Watts" is only Checked if Monitoring more than one Classic it add a Total Watts field to the Main Window,  witch will contain the Combined wattage of all Classic's being monitored.
  5. "UpDate Time In minuets = Time in minuets between refreshing Data from Devices.
    ( .2  min (12 sec))  To 30 min Max),  Recommend .3 To 5 min.
    If using Auto Controls Functions to Control Outback AXS set to no more than 2 min.
  6. Click OK, make sure all displays on main window are working  as wanted,
    Then come back to "Basic Settings"  to make Changes Or Add more Devices One at A Time.

Menu Picture
Main Settings Picture


Settings for Outback AXS   With FX Or GS Inverter
   ( If you Have One and want it Shown )

Step One 

Note : You Can Not Access The Outback AXS Or Conext XW Inverter Until you Have Successfully Connected To a Classic Charge Controller At Least Once with This Program.

  1. Click on  Menu
  2. Select Basic Settings
  3. Select "Add Outback AXS"  Check box at the bottom of Settings Page.
    A new form for Outback AXS settings will appear.
  4. Enter:  Ip or url for Outback AXS And  Port of Outback AXS ,
    It is Best to use Ip addresses If possible.
  5. Click Test AXS Tcp / Ip   The Program will Look for a AXS at the Address and Port.
    If NO AXS is found There maybe A long delay.
    If a AXS Answers,  the 5 Device  Box's below the test button will be filled in.
    The bottom box will show FX Or GS Inverter if Detected.

    If The AXS is not found.
    • You will also see a error at the bottom of settings window, with some explain.
    • At this point you will need to Check, network Settings or Make sure no other program is Connected to the AXS, check firewall, etc. .
    • Note: The AXS Can be Slow to respond, and on occasion been known to lockup if it loses network connection, Some times requiring reboot (unplug cable between AXS and Inverter for a few seconds and reconnect. (my experience Any way)

If The Outback AXS  Is Detected continue to Step Two

Step Two

  1. "Name" will be filled in with name that is programed in The AXS after pressing Test AXS (x) Tcp / Ip, This Can be changed if you wish this only effects the name displayed on the main page. It dose not change the AXS's  Name.
  2. Select the proper check box FX Or GS Inverter
  3. Feild "Check Boxes" Select the check boxes of the items you wish to be Displayed on the Main Window, Ac_in V, State, Warnings, Errors, ect.
  4. Click OK,  make sure all displays on main window are working  as wanted,
    Then come back to "Basic Settings"  to make Changes Or Add more Devices One at A Time.

Settings 3 picture

Conext ComBox With XW and or SW Inverter
   ( If you Have One and want it Shown )

XW and a SW Inverter Can not be connected on the same ComBox.

Step One 

Note : You Can Not Access The Conext ComBox Until you Have Successfully Connected To a Classic Charge Controller At Least Once with This Program.

  1. Click on  Menu
  2. Select Basic Settings
  3. Select "Add XW + ComBox"  Check box at the bottom of Settings Page.
    Select "Add SW + ComBox"  Check box at the bottom of Settings Page.
    AND OR
    A new form for ComBox settings will appear.
  4. Enter:  Ip or url for ComBox And  Port of ComBox ,
    It is Best to use Ip addresses If possible.
  5. Enter:  Modbus Port Address for ComBox And  Modbus Port of Inverter ,
  6. Click Test ComBox   The Program will Look for a ComBox at the Address and Port.
    If NO ComBox is found There maybe A long delay.
    If a ComBox Answers,  the Box's to the Right of test button will be filled in.

    If The ComBox is not found.
    • You will also see a error at the bottom of settings window, with some explain.
    • At this point you will need to Check, network Settings and ComBox Settings, Modbus Addresses, check firewall, etc. .

If The ComBox  Is Detected Continue to Step Two

Step Two

  1. "Name" will be filled in with name that is programed in The ComBox after pressing Test ComBox (x) Tcp / Ip, This Can be changed if you wish this only effects the name displayed on the main page. It dose not change the ComBox's  Name.
  2. Field "Check Boxes" Select the check boxes of the items you wish to be Displayed on the Main Window, Ac_in V, State, Warnings, Errors, ect.
  3. Click OK,  make sure all displays on main window are working  as wanted,
    Then come back to "Basic Settings"  to make Changes Or Add more Devices One at A Time.

Settings 3 picture

Settings for Second Classic & Third  Classic & Fourth Classic

  1. For Second Classic ,  Select " Add Second Classic " Check box at the bottom of Settings Page
    A new form for Second Classic settings will appear.
  2. Follow steps as as shown in Classic 1 Settings.
  1. For Third & Forth Classic Same as above.